
Address from PO Box

I understood, from hearsay, that one could get the address from a PO Box.

The terms RM publish say that they will release it. And in fact have special handling for things like charity or women's refuge, etc, to hide such details.

So I emailed RM and they are idiots! They said "Data protection" means they cannot give it out.

1. Their terms say they will, so no!
2. The details are a company, so not applicable.

They do not reply !!

Any ideas?


  1. I always understood that using a PO Box was not a good way to hide your address as RM would release the actual address if asked.

    Have you tried companies house? AFAIK limited companies are not allowed to have a PO Box address as their registered address.

  2. This post: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/show-post/post-1360266.html suggests they give them out freely.

  3. Thanks, regd office is an accountants in london, so no use.

  4. (old post I know...)

    Last time I wanted the address of a PO box, I submitted a FOI request to Royal Mail, and got the address back same day. - Much quicker than going through their Customer Service department.

    foi@royalmail.com, or http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/body/royal_mail_group


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