
Another talk

Well, I am talking at UKNOF tomorrow. Should be fun. Technical stuff as ever (IPv6/4 mapping issues).

What will be interesting is the discussions on the Digital Economy Act. We (as an ISP industry) have to act now and make a code of practice for OFCOM to approve. If we don't then OFCOM will make one, or worse, the BPI will make one! I seem to be starting a campaign. So far I have got to http://aaisp.net.uk/dea-code.html

I have a feeling I am going to have to shout a lot to get anywhere.

Anyway, curry this evening. See if I can motivate some people!

1 comment:

  1. A few comments...

    Notices may exaggerate the penalties which apply to copyright infringement. There has been a long history of this, from the notices on DVDs that shout, 'FIVE YEARS IN FEDERAL PRISON,' to the firm of solicitors which is facing disciplinary action for misleading claims in letters to alleged file sharers. It might be worth putting something in the code saying that a notice is invalid if it misleads recipients about the law (or presumably anything else).

    As I understand it, following the passage of the Bill, copyright owners now have two routes. They can claim compensation and/or an injunction as they always could. Alternatively they can issue one of these notices, which leads into the new regime of technical measures. I don't know if it's worth spelling out in the code that these two routes are separate, so notices may not make demands for compensation for example.

    If you can get away with it, why not ask for £5 from everyone submitting a report? This has two benefits. Firstly it makes it impossible for spammers to abuse the notice system economically. Secondly it encourages copyright owners to focus on genuine offenders, rather than taking a scattergun approach as they have tended to do in the past.

    Note that you will have some costs, even with the automated system. People receiving notices are likely to call your support team to ask about it, and that costs you money.


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