

OK, one step closer to ditching asterisk altogether.

I now have voicemail and simple prompt and key-press on the new call server. Still have to sort fax2email, but the big thing it seems I have to do now is work around NAT installations.

NAT is evil

And this all proves how evil. To get VoIP to work with NAT you end up with the handset doing some clever stuff, the router doing some clever stuff, possibly an external STUN server to help the handset fudge the RTP, and maybe some fudging on the SIP proxy as well. Ecen then you probably don't have something that does SIP properly, but just about works in some very narrow and ill defined subset of full SIP protocol, sometimes, maybe...

NAT is evil

It is a really big bodge of work-arounds, much more so that most other things.

NAT is evil

For some inexplicable reason we have customers using NAT, so we need to reproduce each scenario. Work if how it worked with * (assuming it did in fact work), and work out what we, or the customers, have to do to make it work with the new call server. Arrrrg!

NAT is evil


  1. Just to follow up - asterisk is a good end-user phone system, and if doing things like ISDN it is a dream. But it is not a good carrier/centrex system hence us moving away from it.

  2. So you are going to have fun with people stuck on CG-NAT :)


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