
Est 1620?

Ok, no way? Something on TV ended "Pilgrim film and television, est 1620"

Unless they mean they were established at twenty past four this afternoon, I do not believe it.

Even the Uk did not have "companies" that old.


  1. I think it's a bit tongue in cheek. Wasn't that when the first pilgrims landed in America on the Mayflower? http://pilgrimfilms.tv

  2. It's a tongue-in-cheek reference to the voyage of the Mayflower, I think.

  3. The truly pedantic answer would be "Of course not. The UK is 1707, AoU and all that.". On the other hand the mint pre-dates 1620 by quite a bit, but has only recently become a "company" independent of government/monarchy.

  4. OK, I do not know my US history enough to realise it is a joke. Hmmm

  5. Too used to picking holes in adverts and the like that I see on TV

  6. The East India Company was founded in 1600. :-)

  7. My College was founded in 1350 q-:

  8. Aberdeen Shore Porters Society was established in 1498 as a co-operative... still see their vans passing here quite regularly...

    Whitechapel Bell Foundry is another of similar age - about 1570-75 as an establishment date.


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