
What to do today?

Well, it seems that Royal Wedding is going to be on TV all day. Even if there is a channel that is not covering it, then that is not going to happen on any TV here it seems and I am not one to argue :-)

The beer festival starts at 11:00, so that is one idea.

I could go do some work maybe. I have actually managed quite a bit of work over this week.

I could try and actually play some WoW. I have not touched it in months (apart from checking the IPv6 and cursing that wine does not do it).

I do need to keep a close eye on the Internet today. We do not know if it will be dead, or if it will melt. I am not sure anyone knows. This is not like any event we have seen before. The killer is people who are having to work streaming video to their office (that happens on sporting events). Tricky one.

Strangely my day is not planned down to the second, like some people's today :-)


  1. Don't think there'll be too many people streaming it at peak rate :p

    I'm going to treat it like a saturday, but leave the TV off except for streaming movies.

  2. I wonder if the congestion charge cameras are getting confused by these cars with no number plates :-)

  3. OK, 21CN is right up to the limit but not hitting it, so looks like we have managed to get enough capacity for this, so far. Phew!

  4. Some of the highest traffic was the arrival of Kate, and a peak right up to limits on 20CN and 21CN for the ceremony itself. But capacity was sufficient, so far.

  5. Load dropping off. It may peak again for the "kiss", we'll see.

  6. OK, it is hitting limits on 21CN now, 20CN just coping under limits. The "kiss" clearly is going to be popular.

  7. OK, spike was a couple of minutes, slightly before the first kiss in fact, and caused some damping of non premium lines on 21CN. Traffic back within limits now.

  8. Well, all returning to normal now - overall we managed that very well in terms of capacity. Monitoring showed we did better than some other ISPs which is nice :-)

  9. You old miser gut's I think its lovely the wedding is being covered for the whole world to see, i was in work and stopped to watch the wedding , made my shift long but worth it , plus you got the day off and your staff I never lol ( your meant to feel bad now ) xx

  10. Pauline, I ended up waiting it and keeping a close eye on Internet usage at the same time.


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