
2Q or not 2Q

Well, son is pestering.

Wants me outside the apple shop in Reading silly'o'clock tomorrow queuing.

Do I really want to?

After all, I personally have lost over £1000, after tax, on this ADR issue. I am not sure I can afford the shiny shiny.

Decisions, decisions...


  1. I don't get what the new one gives you vs. the old one? Wow, slightly higher rez screen and slightly faster cpu (does the old ipad get maxed out already?)

    Unless I am missing something, what is so exciting?

    1. No, you are right. Thicker, heavier, better res on screen and camera, and err. ... .. ... ...

  2. Aye right. As if you'll not be down there. Expecting the review tomorrow.

    I don't understand it - it's only a piece of tech that will be outdated in 12 months.

    1. So that means it is a "new" bit of tech?

    2. And I don't see a 1DX shipping for at least a month.

    3. My VAX 4000-500A is as good a space heater today as it was when new. It will be outdated not before the Sun becomes a red giant, the oceans boil dry and the atmosphere escapes into space. It also occasionally makes a stellar occasional table.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. No more ADR Adrian, you promised.

    I have mine pre-ordered for delivery, but a nice shiny piece of Appleware will help to make you feel better I am sure. Go on, get yourself over there and enjoy it. If nothing else, everyone will marvel at your existing iPad. It's always a crowd pleaser.

    1. Ooops, sorry, it slipped in somehow :-)

      Yes, the one person that would not like an orc engraved second hand iPad is my youngest daughter. Guess who managed to have her iPad break recently (out of warranty)...

    2. :-)

      Did Apple replace it for her? Am I to guess that you went down there in the end then? Which one did you go for? 64Gb 3G + WiFi?

    3. No, she gets to have an orc, but a pink cover.

  5. Hmm...

    That is one helluva swing from:

    "Well, I have to put the ADR stuff behind me now" to "Take A&A to ADR and win a free iPad 3"

    I would propose the equivalent of a 'swear jar' in your office; put £1 in it every time you mention "ADR" (be it IRL, blog, IRC, e-mail, whatever).

    You'll soon have your new shiny ;-)

  6. If you are getting a new ipad and havent already i would suggest leaving the apple store and reserver it at john lewis or argos. I reserved one at an argos near me last night so that i could stroll in tomorrow grab a coffee on the way and pick it up without all the fuss and waiting involved with the apple store launches

    1. Was a short queue in Reading. Though apparently some had been there since 3am!

    2. wow 3am i must admit if i wasnt in university today i would of probably headed to an apple store in the wee hours as the banter can often be fun. Is the screen on it nice?

  7. I read in the news not so long ago about a recent study that discovered that the areas of the brain that are activated when a fan is shown the logo of a much loved brand are the same areas that are activated when religious people are shown powerful religious imagery. Seems that would be the irrational adoration neurons firing ;) Couldn't help but think of that news report when I was reading about the queues for the iPad 3. Don't get me wrong, I think Apple make some great products (I'm typing this on a MacBook Pro), but really?!

    1. Interesting... Apple, the new religion?

    2. I guess they have enough money and followers to count as a church ;-)

    3. the bbc did a documentary on it as part of there series secrets of super brands - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b011cr8h


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