
Diablo -1

OK, having tried everything, and no reply from Blizzard on a ticket, we went for a complete re-install of windows from scratch and reinstall of Diablo 3 from scratch.

We even skipped the nice 3D graphics install and everything else - just totally bog standard windows install and then Diablo 3.

And no, it is being an arse. Error 315300 wrong login.

To be clear, we have tried with and without an authenticator set. If I put the wrong username or password it says no right away, but with them right it goes on to ask for the authenticator. That means it is checking they are right for both username and password. If I don't have an authenticator it does not ask or work.

We tried from another PC, and that works? Well, actually, if we try from my machine first it says no as another PC is logged in. So clearly it is accepting the details and giving a bogus error. So this is clearly connected to the Internet and checking the details. It is just broken.

Clearly cannot code the simplest of "Login" processes if their livelihood depended on it. WTF are Blizzard playing at?

This is proper fraud if you ask me - take my money and give me crap.


  1. Is this on "real" windows? I seem to remember reading you ran wow on wine?

    1. Real windows, re-installed from scratch, even reformatted the disk and everything.

  2. Don't suppose that it could be an issue with your password could it? Backend system having different ideas to the front end system on password length and allowed characters?

    1. Well, it is not that long a password (not an xkcd one). Maybe I will try a shorter one.

  3. I expect when you get a reply they will try to blame your isp or router. although to be fair, I think that often they are the problem, although I don't expect they are here.

  4. I had a similar problem with Steam, but it stopped me playing all of my games on Steam! It was also why I will never purchase any games that have any form of DRM ever again.


  5. Taken from the interwebs...

    The error is indicative of an incorrect username or password input, commonly brought about by user error, or by attempting to paste non-plain text into the password field. However, some Diablo 3 players (and beta participants) are getting the error through no fault of their own.

    The issue appears to be a subfolder in the game's ProgramData directories which gets elevated privileges, making it inaccessible for the account which installed it — even if that account is an administrator.

    Users on the Blizzard forums have reported a number of fixes for Error 315300, but one seems to be the most successful across the board — at least one Polygon editor experienced the error, and managed to fix it this way: just create a new Windows user account with administrator privileges, restart your computer, and load the game in that new account.

    It's a bit inconvenient to switch accounts every time you want to play Diablo 3, but right now, that appears to be your best option. We've reached out to Blizzard to try to find a cleaner fix.


    1. I am running as the only user which is an administrator, but have tried the trick of making a new administrator too. Nothing works, not even a complete new windows install on formatted drives.

      What gets me is that they clearly have a bug - why have they simply not fixed the damn bug.

    2. Just running as an administrator account isn't sufficent to get you admin privilages. It just gives you the ability to request to run programs with admin privileges. You need to find the main .exe and right click it and choose run as administrator. I have no idea if this will fix your problem of course and it's stil a bug even if it does!

    3. That was one of the first things I tried

    4. Well I'm out of ideas then. Probably it only work with NAT turned on :P

    5. While I know nothing of RevK's home network, I suspect it is IPv6 enabled. (Obviously his office one is)

      I wonder if that is confusing Diablo in some way.

  6. Have you tried logging into a different reigon by changing it in the game options.

    Sometimes after a fresh install it defaults to USA.

  7. FYI, Diablo 3 passwords are *NOT* case-sensitive.



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