
I wonder if I can pay in World of Warcraft gold now?

Fun new service from Barclays - totally pointless, but fun...


  1. Only 5 digits obscured on that last card, and two of those only partially...

    1. Indeed, but the initial 6 or possibly 8 will be known to anyone with a similar card anyway. It is already easy to scan cards for valid numbers if you want, and if you can do 100,000 numbers without tripping a merchant account then well done. On top of which any on-line sale will need 3 digits you can't see on the back.

    2. Just scanning the pictures for a shiny surface...


    3. Some image editing on the numbers shown anyway :-)

  2. How does one obtain this service? My (Barclays) Debit card needs replacing soon, the topmost plastic layer is separating from the polycarbonate underneath all around the edges, mag stripes coming off, digits on front of car have lost all their silver colour, and worst of all, the chip is frequently failing to read in machines.

    Doesn't actually expire til end of 2013 but it's knackered. So where do you order the customised ones then?

  3. oh, I see...it costs £10/month for Premier account then they do it for 'free'.

    cba to spend extra £120 a year for fancy card unless the other perks are useful...and they're not.

    1. Err, I think the personalised card is free on any Barclays account, or am I wrong?

  4. www.barclays.co.uk/Currentaccounts/BarclaysPersonalisedCard/P1242601041899
    It's free

  5. I blame the mistake on doing what RevK first suggested (not because he did, I tried that anyway), and Googling for it, which took me to the Barclays Premier customised card thing, misleading me into thinking you couldn't get one unless you had a premier account.

  6. I've ordered one with a Generic Circuit board image. Now just to hope people don't think I'm inserting a suspicious device into the Chip & Pin machine...

  7. Hey does that mean the card details I've got memorized won't work anymore?

  8. Suprised they accepted the first image given the number of T&C's they put on it to say you can't use a copyrighted image cant use a carton character blah blah.etc

    1. Well, every image has copyright, obviously. Just that I took those pictures so they are my copyright!

  9. Looks like they accepted an image they shouldn't have....

    * Slogans, tag lines, branding, marketing or promotional products, services or images of companies;

    Isn't that character being used as marketing material for Firebricks?

    * Offensive material (eg images ... relating to violence ...)

    Isn't what that character is all about?


    1. Well, it is an orc. They are not always violent and he is certainly not - he just stands there. He is a race in world of warcraft. He is not a "promotional product" I don't think - these are pretty rare and not something you can generally buy as I understand it. But what the hell - it is on my card now, and is staying there.


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