
Turning to the dark side

I have put adverts on the main blog page.

Anyone think this is a bad idea, let me know. Not trying to piss anyone off.

As the saying goes: "every little helps".

P.S. If you hate it - please add a comment here, I'll try it for a month and see what happens. Feel free to just ignore the adverts.


  1. Replies
    1. AAISP would have to pay. I was concerned that the adverts may be for other ISPs and mobile operators, but I find it kind of amusing that they are paying me (well, in fact paying A&A as that is who's the adsense account is in). I am assuming my readers will not be swayed by random adverts :-)

    2. I find it amusing that directly below this is an advert for DHL Couriers :)

  2. That is the sort of feedback we want, but just think that these idiots are paying me (well, A&A) money for that...

  3. Look, if people really hate it, I'll remove it. What I would like to do though is try it for a month and see how much I can extract from such idiots.

  4. Adsense has never made much money for me, even on high traffic sites, and ends up just being an eye sore.

    I've removed them from most of my sites.
    It will be interesting to see what results you get.

    1. Quite, if it is not worth it, I'll remove them anyway.

    2. Next you should start breaking your blog(--> NEXT)

      posts up into multiple pages (--> NEXT)...

      Just to bump up the page impressions and ad revenue :D

  5. I realise this is your personal blog, but like it or not, many/most of your readers are only here because you run A&A, not because they know you personally. In a very real sense this blog is part of the shop window of A&A. If you wouldn't put anti-wrinkle ads on the A&A homepage, you probably shouldn't put them here either.

  6. I don't see any ads, but then I have Adblock plus plugin on Firefox

    1. Which is fine by me - please do use an adblock if you don't want to see them.

    2. I also had adsense on one of my sites, but it only really paid out once in a blue moon. That coupled with the Euro-cookie-law rubbish led me to remove it completely.

  7. Useful feedback, thanks. It is indeed my personal blog though, and the whole point is I can say and do things here that I would not do on the official A&A pages. Indeed, that is why I started the blog, so that I could vent some of the frustration with BT without it being "unprofessional" on the A&A pages. So yes, valid consideration which I will bear in mind.

  8. Adverts for Virgin Media ... ohh *click*

  9. Don't care about the adverts I just want to meet the women in 'Arnold' who, apparently, are gagging for me!

  10. Ha ha - DHL are PAYING to advertise on your site now - oh the irony!


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