
Apply cutting corners?

Apple certainly care about presentation and quality - you can tell from the box, and the packaging of your new iPhone or iPad. It reeks of quality.

Even down to the pokey thing (does it even have a name) for accessing the SIM slot. It is a quality bit of metal, no messing about. You can put it on your keyring and it does not get bent.

Well, until now.

The iPad mini comes with what can best be described as a bent paperclip.

Steve would never have allowed it...


  1. The picture is blurry :\ why is only the middle section in focus? Or to be blunt.. Why did you post such a bad picture, makes comparing difficult?

    1. TBH I could tell immediately which was which - it's that obvious

  2. Looks like a mobile picture, so combination of available light and being very close to the object means the depth of field would be limited as the mobile's camera would resort to the widest aperture setting to get the most light in. A top-down shot would eliminate the effect, though might not be as aethetically pleasing an image.

    1. Well, I was trying to less boring by taking like that and making sure the key bits were in focus. I did try an over head show and bigger depth of field and it just looked somewhat uninteresting. Not a mobile shot, no, a Canon 1Dx with a 100mm macro lens, available light, f/3.2, ISO3200...

    2. I was part-right, at least. ;) The amount of noise was why I figured it was a mobile shot.

      In the end the difference seems fairly obvious - and with a shot of something as uninteresting as a SIM tray release tool you've got to do all you can to make it a bit more interesting! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Has destructive testing discovered a difference? I might have guessed the new design more robust. (PS Loving the mature dating ads I always get on this page)

    1. Well, it is not joined up, and so falls off my keyring. I am not impressed.

  5. Luckily the I expect the half dozen or so original ones that I have will last me for the rest of my life ;)


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