

Arrrg! Adverts just wind me up.

I really try and avoid adverts - watching on-demand, or recorded - skipping adverts - but they are getting so annoying when I do catch them, in the background while I am working or playing WoW.

"Lots of insurance companies talk of multi-car discount but why only for the second car?" Well FFS, because it is a discount for multiple cars - if you only have one car it is just a discount not a "multi-car discount". Nothing wrong with a discount, but that is why!

"You can't climb Mount Everest alone, you can't even play hide and seek alone, so why try and play the lottery alone?" Well FFS, because you can play that on your own. Why is that even a vaguely sensible line of logic for an advert?

Why are there people who fall for stuff that is not just wrong but so wrong it grates to hear it.

Wake up Sheeple!



  1. What adverts?
    (I don't have a TV license and adblock plus sorts / removes all adverts from 4oD, websites etc.. Glorious.)

    1. TV adverts, sorry. We have TV licence and Sky. I have wife and kids, else I may not actually bother myself.

    2. Indeed, I'm now sharing my house with just one child (others have left) and wife. A couple of years ago I made a bid to get rid of the telly, I was, and remain, totally fed up with the unmitigated crap that adorns our acreens (thank ${DEITY} for Radio 4).

      I failed.

  2. I thought the same when I first heard it, but I don't think they mean it that way. It's just poorly worded.

    Let's say the normal cost of insuring each car individually is £100 (unlikely I know), so £200 for 2 cars.

    Let's say they offer a 10% multi-car discount, but normally this only applies to the extra policy i.e. £100 + £90. This company are saying they will apply the discount across both policies, not just the extra policies.

    1. So a different level of discount but still "multi-car" discount. But they do not state the discount rates at all so no reason to think this is a "better discount" in terms of money. It is a crap advert wording, which is counter productive for any customers with a brain, but maybe that is not their target audience :-)

    2. Why target the small (and contracting) niche market of people with brain... you can get £20 off each car vs £50 off the 2nd car.... with the current math level across the population I wouldn't be surprised to get at least a 2 digit % for the first option... sad but realistic

    3. Crap advert wording for anyone with a brain, but the wording is carefully chosen to be economical with the truth. If an ad misses out some vital information I choose to substitute my own, after all they failed to include it.

      As you say, customers with a brain are not their target.

  3. When will A&A finally offer line bounding for 1 line ???? And did you deploy your load-balancer in front of a single server?

    Had exactly the same reaction on the "We offer multi-car discount on car 1 adverts" (even if I suspect they mean they distribute the discount on every car instead on giving it only on car 2+; instead of giving 10% on car 2, they give 5% on car 1 and 2), some kind of "discount-balancer"

    1. :) - I was reading your response thinking what is this guy smoking before realising you were being ironic.

      RevK - We need an icon system like El Reg :)

    2. Took me a couple of seconds too - it was quite a good post by SMabille.


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