
Bank Holidays

So, this weekend, I have done fuck all, so far.

I have sat around watching series one of Stargate Atlantis yet again, for want of something better for do. I have finally come in to the study and done some coding as doing nothing is a tad boring.

Why do we have these bank holidays? It is not like banking stops!

I should go code some EAP stuff or something :-)

On a serious note, it is rather odd. Running the company means I can, with ease, take a day or a week off and do whatever I like. I have a lot of very competent staff that run things for me. If they really are stuck for a decision they can always call me. I don't take much time off. Some times I'll go home early and watch TV or more likely work from home. But in general it is my choice, and I choose to work. So the idea of a sort of enforced holiday is strange. I feel like Sheldon forced to take his annual leave.


  1. My complaint is this chunk of bank holidays we get close to each other in spring, when one in the middle of July would be so much more useful. And why are we celebrating the communist May Day holiday anyway? A Labour government added it in a particularly left wing period if my information is correct, but that doesn't stop us moving it. 4 bank holidays in the space of 5 or 6 weeks (depending on when Easter falls) is ridiculous.

    1. I think we should have one on St George's Day. (Ok, it's my birthday so I may be biased...) ;)

    2. I think we should have one on St George's Day.

      Ok, it's my birthday so I may be biased... :p ;)

  2. Those of us who work, not by choice, 8 days a week 25 hours a day really look forward to an enforced break. Don't be so middle class :-))

    1. Sorry. I know - I have been in that situation, and am effectively on call all the time anyway.

  3. I'd rather have no bank holidays but an extra 8 days of annual leave to take when *I* want. So many people taking days off at the same time causes transport chaos as well.


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