
BT giving us access to their network?

The idea of third parties having direct access to BTs last mile (wiring from exchange to premises) is something that BT have, of course, resisted. Access even to just BT ducts is complex and costly.

But it seems BT want us to take control of the aluminium wiring that is affecting an FTTC service and get it fixed! It is pretty clear in this call with BT today.

This can only be BT giving us access to its wiring network - yay!

Recording of part of the call: wav

On a serious note, this is the sort of crap up with which we have to put on a daily basis. We're working with our account manager, as always, to get things improved, but it is an ongoing battle.

Update: It gets worse. We asked to escalate the fault. The reply is crazy, given that it was already a "Team Manager" in that call that we are complaining about, and we have never had a Andy Hartley or Sean Kemp working here, and as director I have never been asked to provide any "approved list".

We are really sorry that we are not able to accept your case as a high level escalation at the moment. Looking at our records the escalation path has not been exhausted

The escalation path is:

• Team Member 
• Team Leader
• Team Manager

This escalation shows as being with Team leader so will need to have gone to Team Manager.

Also the person escalating  has to be on the directors approved list for sending in escalations.  The only people on this list for Andrews & Arnold Ltd are Andy Hartley and Sean Kemp.  


  1. Is David Evnull on the approved list as well?

  2. http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/andy-hartley/5/446/a82

    This guy previously worked for BT - maybe it's a BT 'approved people to talk to A&A' list?

    1. Oh god they're mixing up their own staff whose job it is to talk with A&A with A&A's staff? The incompetence, it is staggering...

  3. Looks like they may have only been a team leader! Even so, shocked at the lack of basic knowledge even for a "Team member", let alone a team leader.

  4. I could barely understood what the chap was saying before he got flustered, then totally incomprehensible. Not good for a communications provider!

  5. Easy, send them your entire customer database as the 'approved list' :p

  6. If they decide that those two people do work at AAISP when, in fact, they do not, one might question BT's personal data handling practices. And, if BT has accidentally disclosed personal data to AAISP in a matter relating to the provision of a public electronic communications service, have they reported themselves to the ICO, under Regulation 5A of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (as amended)?

    (Personally, I think this is a stretch, but might be worth considering depending on how much ammunition you need!)

  7. Trying to argue the ownership of string, whether dry or wet... hmmm...

    I once somehow became the approved contact for a web site - but that didn't allow me to get the login details or operating instructions... that was quite an odd situation. As for your two odd names, they do need to explain where they came from...

  8. Replies
    1. In BT terms an Employee Identification Number.

    2. Which, in call centre terms means you're about to be bitch-slapped, so tell them your neighbours number...


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