
This is special

I know the inventor of email died recently, shame.

But still, that is no excuse for BT being special. I mean really special.

We have a fault open on a line with them, and escalated. So they are sending us an update on the escalation. Simple enough.

Now, how to send that - well why not email?

Let's make up an email shall we :- (some xxx's added by me)

From: xxxxx,A,Abhishek,K3N73P C 
Sent: 07 March 2016 09:12
To: `suxxort@aa.net.uk`
Cc: xxxxx,R,Rajesh,K3N74H C; xxxxx,HK,Harish,K3N73E C; S,J,xxxxx,K3N73F C
Subject: RE: [5816XC] ESC ID-1014504//BBEUxxxxxx//DN-xxxxxx

Hi All,

Please confirm the status of the broadband connection.

Thanks and Regards
Abhishek xxxxx
Broadband Customer Service Team Manager

OK, a bit odd. The from address is not an email address and neither are Cc addresses, and our support address in back quotes. Strange.

But still - an email - to be sent by email, yes?

No! They find an old order for the line, dating back to last year, one that is closed off and completed long ago. They add an Ad hoc note to CP to the order, and send us an update via the B2B signed SOAP XML over https process.

I mean, look :-

          <utcc:Note>From: xxxxx,A,Abhishek,K3N73P C
Sent: 07 March 2016 09:12
To: `suxxort@aa.net.uk`
Cc: xxxxx,R,Rajesh,K3N74H C; xxxxx,HK,Harish,K3N73E C; S,J,xxxxx,K3N73F C
Subject: RE: [5816XC] ESC ID-1014504//BBEUxxxxx//DN-xxxxx

Hi All,

Please confirm the status of the broadband connection.

Thanks and Regards
Abhishek xxxxx
Broadband Customer Service Team Manager</utcc:Note>
          <utcc:NoteType>Customer Update</utcc:NoteType>

Yes, that is some sort of email embedded in a long closed order as an update on the Completed status of that order. One wonders why they did not put a note on the fault report - oh, I know - the fault report was auto-closed because their system does that when you escalate a fault most of the time.

Confused our system - it thought the order had just closed, again!

Please BT, do not be quite that special - we can handle email, honest.

1 comment:

  1. The cynic in me says that by putting it there, you might not notice it, so they could mark the fault as resolved due to you not confirming it was still faulty.


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