
Unifi/Apple getting worse

Having made some major improvements in this problem, it seems now to be worse since iOS 10 on my iPhone.

The problem is that roaming between Unifi access points on same SSID (which IPv6 present, which may or may not be a factor) loses connectivity - a lot of the time. It happens even when using Fixed IP config, so is not related to DHCP server itself.

It had got to being rare after latest Unifi update, but since iOS 10 it is most of the time now.

Trying upgrading Unifi AP firmware from to now. We'll see.

P.S. It has not helped!


  1. Roaming is known broken on that Unifi Firmware version AFAIK

  2. Try 5236 (need beta access!) https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Wireless-Beta/Roaming-Debug-Image/td-p/1682014

  3. I'm not going anywhere near iOS 10 until there's been at least a 10.0.1, 10.1 and then 10.1.1 which I might upgrade to. There are too many bugs in major new iOS versions.

  4. iOS 10: avoid, wait: I ‘upgraded’ my iPad 5 to iOS 10 a bad move, some functions just not starting up now. voice dictation not happening. safari dying when opening certain web pages. Typing sometimes ‘sticks’ with strange delays. Managed to make Safari more healthy by disabling a sizeable number of options in Settings. I get the feeling that it's really not happy with several apps running in just 1GB RAM. my wife's iPad 6 is quite happy, and I believe it has 2GB RAM.

  5. What do we use as a reliable WAP instead of Ubiquiti if we're using iOS ? Can't invest in this known bad kit when I'm an all-iPad shop. Should AA stop promoting Ubiquiti, or put a serious caveat on the website? (I'm aware it may definitely not be Ubiquiti’s fault, but the system as a whole has to be rock solid.)

  6. So firstly I am nothing to do with Apple just commenting on what works in my house. It has two foot thick walls so need multiple AP's to provide coverage. I am using Apple Airport Express and Extreme's on 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz. Wired Gigabit Backbone to each AP. We have no roaming issues, I can even move through the house using Facetime and face no loss as the AP's handover. Also using IPv6 and do not seem to have any problems there either. DHCP is being handled by the A&A Zyxel. Most of the roaming clients are Apple devices in one form or another but lots of non Apple stuff connected to. Tempting though it is to think it I can't believe Apple have optimised the AP's for their devices. That would lead me to believe this is the AP's.

    1. Indeed, people report Unifi working fine with other devices, and iPhones working fine with other access points. It is not clear what the exact issue is, but it is damn annoying.

    2. My gut feeling is that this maybe something to do with 802.11r support. Handover has always been proprietary and 802.11r was supposed to bring a degree of standardisation. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple have a proprietary handover mechanism in their AP's for Apple devices. I believe Ubiquiti do not support 802.11r however Apple devices do. I know this doesn't directly help you but could be to some degree of cause of your grief.

    3. That sounds plausible, but ideally, if it should have an option one side or other to work without it and just reconnect to another AP with a moment of down time, rather than get in to a borked state as it does.

    4. It could be an authentication race condition caused by not switching fast enough and ending up with the ithing deciding it is not connected anymore. I know Cisco had this recently with Fast SSID switching issues with IOS devices.

  7. I can't say I've noticed any issues - we're running the latest Unifi firmware at various sites, with some fairly hefty usage and loads of devices roaming around - including plenty of Apple & iOS 10 kit, without issues. It's working just fine here - perhaps some configuration you've picked is responsible - perhaps post more on your configuration on Unifi to see if there are any obvious differences.

    It's certainly hasn't broken at all on the latest versions here.

    1. The only thing I can think that may be less common it the IPv6. We have seen the issue even where the iPhone is fixed IP setup - it just loses connectivity after apparently roaming to a new AP.

  8. I think its ipv6.

    Both myself & daughter are on Sky with the same dual-stack router (SR102) & both have the same unifi APs & f/w revisions.

    Difference? I have ipv6 DHCP disabled on the router. The ancient Win2k3 box (don't ask) doesn't announce an ipv6 gateway. iStuff works fine here when she tests it.

    Hers has the default Sky config (DHCP for ipv4/6) and she's now moaning at me about losing connectivity.

    Like I know what the hell ios10 is doing :D

    I guess I'd better go round & have a look but that's the only material difference between the two setups.

  9. I have the same problem with my home unifi setup, but not the one at work. There's no difference between the firmwares or the models of the APs (square AC models) and both networks are dual stack with IPv6 auto adressing (SLAAC). I have UAPSD turned on in both cases.

    It is really very annoying, my iphone will stay active on wifi calling all the time at work but every time I wake it up at home it isn't connected to any wifi so incoming calls end up as voicemail. (no mobile signal indoors)

  10. Done all that, problem was before DFS channels. Latest code lots of times. Tried all sorts. Still happens.

  11. I'll check code releases today anyway


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