
Today's recipe: Chicken soup

As you may imagine, my culinary skills are limited, so for today's recipe, chicken soup, one starts with, you guessed it, a tin of chicken soup...

Which you microwave for 2 minutes...

Then add some bacon bits...

Then some chilli flakes...

Some salt...

And, of course, a dob of marmite...

And stir...



  1. This is just another way for you to diguise the terrible taste of Marmite.

  2. If that’s your secret and some sort of super food, then I’m in. If it’s just because you like it, I’m afraid that looks disgusting, lol!

    1. LOL, If only I had such a secret. I like it like that, sorry.

  3. I know these recipe blogs are sincere, but the delivery and choice of ingredients is absolutely hilarious.

    More please.

  4. The salt content of the soup, bacon bits and Marmite are going to be quite considerable already, so the extra salt is somewhat redundant :)

    May I recommend getting hold of a student cookbook or similar introductory work and have a crack at cooking basic items. It's a rather useful life skill. Soups are quite simple and hard to screw up - a common failure mode being the addition of too much salt...

    1. Just to be clear, my wife does feed me. These are just stacks and things a make for myself.

  5. Bacon *FLAVOUR* Bits???? So not actually bacon then?

  6. This was going well until... Marmite... I guess it might be tolerable as an ingredient in something else

  7. Student cook book?? A pal gave me one once. For a a. Cheese sandwich - butter one side of a slice of bread, add cheese, add another slice of bread. Cut as required. b.Cheese and tomato sandwich, as above but add sliced tomato. c. Cheese and Pickle, etc, etc, etc


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