
A RevK GiveAway

[Update: We have given away hundreds of packs of cards, so I have stopped for now. Thanks for the interest - I am amazed how many requests in just two days]
[Update: Now available to buy on Amazon]

Having spent so much time on these playing cards (drawing the court cards and making code, etc), I decided to have some actual decks printed - a Reproduction 19th Century Goodall & Son deck, printed on modern playing card board. Ivory Graphics have done a good job...

The lack of index in the corner means they are fine for games with cards on the table, but not really that good for when you have a hand of cards. The original deck was 32 cards (no 2 to 6) but these are a full 52 card deck.

They are something unusual to impress your friends and family, and I have decided to give away some to my blog readers.

Just follow this link to request a pack: www.me.uk/cards/ordercard.cgi
(name/address just used for the postage, honest)

Obviously subject to availability, but do have fun and comment here or tweet...
[And yes, I am personally paying for these decks and postage which A&A is handling for me]

The card designs are here...


  1. A 32 card deck would be useless on it's own, but have 2 and you can play Bezique!

  2. Thanks. What other ISP would do something fun like this?

    1. To be fair, whilst A&A are doing the A&A (and FB) decks, I'm paying for these reproduction Goodall&Son decks and postage myself as they are promoting my blog.

  3. Many thanks!! Great project.

  4. Thanks - will stick some £1 coins in the next charity box I come across.

  5. I've just tried getting the 'AA' cards but keep getting 'Failed - sorry, please check details or contact sales directly.'. Is the offer only on the Goodall cards or is there a problem with a newish (3 year old) postcode not being recognised (fomat NGnn nXX)

    1. May be worth trying again, I see a few errors in a row from Royal Mail: No Response Received from Business Fulfilment System Web Service (Service is Unavailable or Timeout)

    2. Woot! Worked this time. Thanks very much!

  6. Two months in and no Marmite playing cards?

    1. https://gibsonsgames.co.uk/cards/marmite-playing-cards

  7. I ordered a pack for The Boy. He asked me to say "Soooo cool. Thank you.". Cheers.

  8. Cards arrived today, thank you very much!

  9. A&A deck arrived today - very nice, now to design a game that uses the 11…

  10. Here's a fun game to play with your cards. I played it last year at a friend's house with her kids, they loved it.


  11. Mine arrived yesterday, thank you!


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