
Amazon again

I think next time we ship to amazon we'll have to keep the boxes open until UPS arrive to collect and then video them as we tape them up and hand them over.

We sent 2x50 packs of cards to Amazon.
They show 49 packs of cards received.

We have to wait until 30th to dispute - we'll have to see how that goes!

P.S. 49 packs received, not 100. So that is 51 packs missing somehow!

P.P.S. Blogspot is broken, I can't reply to comments! All I see from Amazon is a number and that I can dispute on 30th


  1. I can half understand one being dropped off as damaged but not 51!?
    Do they not give explanations of why there's a difference between quantity supplied and quantity received? Or are they just saying they didn't even get the other half?

    1. In reply to the pps: that's annoying on all counts.
      I guess the extra 10 days you have to wait is the time that they could just turn up after further processing.
      Like when you order something to be delivered on a day and it isn't and they ask you to wait another 3-5 days to see if it arrives anyway

    2. And now we’re after the 30th did they materialise or not?

  2. OK, cleared caches and cookies and now it knows me :-)

  3. Have you changed the stylsheet for your blog? The display looks awful on an iPad Air2, font so thin it is nearly unreadable.

    1. Been tinkering. I’ll make it nicer in a bit.

    2. Another vote to change back please :)

    3. Using Firefox on Windows 10, I also find the font difficult to read. 'u' and 'd' in particular seem to dip down below the other letters which is quite jarring.


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