
A lesson on how to piss off a fan!

As I said, I am going to a Stargate event next month. Cal Mah....

I purchased the good tickets :-

Yes, the expensive Daedalus pass "the pass that give you it all".

But oddly I found there was an "Ascension pass" that is better, and covers a special MGM event on the Sunday. Odd, as I have a pass that "give [sic] you it all"?

So I asked about it...

And more

And more

Well now I have :-

That is the way to deal with me, obviously. Oh and...

If I was mis-sold, so were many others. And by blocking me I have to seriously consider taking this to ASA and Trading Standards now. It started as a fun poke at them, but now is getting a tad more serious.

How many more have been mis-sold "the pass that give it all" not actually getting it "all" I wonder?

P.S. Reported to trading standards now - could have been avoided by talking to me and not blocking me.

P.P.S I think this is  first for me - blocked on facebook or twitter. Obviously, on both I have altar egos that can post and read and comment, and have done so, which just shows the stupidity of doing so.

Update: They have now posted an explanation (and unblocked me)...
We have found were the confusion lies.
We had a pass on sale called the Destiny Pass, this Pass was also available on a payment plan. Which at the time we issued these passes, it was correct It did “give you it all” When they sold out we removed it from sale but had to put it back on our ticket sales site to allow people who were on the payment plan to continue to make payments. 
What we had not realised was when we updated the sales desk the information didn’t transfer correctly to the newly created Daedalus Pass. 
These Daedalus did sell out so we again removed them from sale, however when people did not keep up their payments a certain amount where put back on sale with the correct information. 
We humbly apologise for the confusion and hope that this explains the situation to your satisfaction. 
Please feel free to message us if you wish to discuss this further.
And now the description has changed, after I purchased the ticket. Kind of admitting I was mis-sold...


  1. Unfortunately A&A "We try not to fuckup. When we do fuckup we'll own up to it and do what we reasonably can to correct it for you and then do what we can to avoid the issue for other customers in the future" is rare.

    It merely needed an explanation, apology and a correction on the ticket page...

    Doubt trading standards will be all that interested, but if you treat customers like that when you've fucked up, you're only going to get escalations.

    1. This is the same mantra my team works to (things go very wrong for about 65.64 million people if we don't) but it annoys the hell out of me that not even other teams in the same company have the same ethos 😐

    2. Wowser Mr Penguin, does this mean u control some central part of the whole UK internet or suchlike?

    3. It's kinda incredible, given the ticket was £250, most events treat those customers very well because they are the type who put some serious funding into the events (worth 8x weekend tickets) and RevK suggested he would be willing to buy one (or more) even more expensive tickets.

  2. A side issue, I know, but is there a way of reporting to trading standards any more? Last time I tried, their responsibilities seemed to have been delegated to Citizens Advice and Trading Standards didn't seem to have any public-facing interface.

    1. He he he. There's always a method, if one is smart enough to find it.

  3. Slightly unfair to pick up on a spelling error, but do you have an 'altar' ego because of your Rev status? 😊

  4. His altar ego looks like this: http://www.rdanderson.com/stargate/entries/ancientconsole.htm

  5. Customer services departments can be so tricky sometimes!

  6. Articles like this are most interesting indeed. I very much like RevK's robust debating style!

    1. TBH, I am amazed I kept that calm as I had had a few drinks...

    2. I also think of myself as being a calm, rational individual (which I am) - but the 'trigger phrases' (to use 'social justice warrior' speak) that really set me off are when people say "I'm sorry you feel that way" or "As I told you before". When they say that, I know they don't care about me, so feelings get brushed to one side and I unleash that formidable weapon known as "logic".

    3. I had that a lot on a call to british gas where a simple statement had not been accept/acknowledged, and repeating it got "you mentioned that before" and I got quite cross with the "Yes, I did, and do you agree I am right? or not?" and still no straight answer!

    4. I wonder how/why companies like that have any customers left, frankly. Inertia, maybe?


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