

One of the things that has always slightly amused and puzzled me is that unicode lacks a "cock" glyph. I mean, it seems to have characters and symbols from modern and historic cultures and forms of writing, and surely cave men have been drawing dicks on cave walls for tens of thousands of years, so why is this missing?

I can only assume someone is being prudish, and oddly enough people have used the eggplant πŸ† emoji for this, amongst others, so clearly there is a "demand" for this emoji.

What I never realised, until now, is there would appears to be one already, thanks to Egyptian Hieroglyphs!

There seem to be three of them!


And for those of you on Windows with a censored font (what a thing!) this is what they look like.

They are rather innocuously named U+130B8: EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH D052, U+130B9: EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH D052A, and U+130BA: EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH D053.

I cannot actually work out what the middle one is meant to be doing, to be honest. Looks painful.

Someone will no doubt explain to me that in fact that is not what the hieroglyph is and that I just have a dirty mind, but if that were true, why are they apparently censored in some fonts?

Reference: http://xahlee.info/comp/unicode_egyptian_hieroglyph.html

Who knew?!

P.S. Why was I looking for unicode dicks? I was not, but was checking if hieroglyphs worked on my new card printing system, and to my surprise, they do! May have to be time for a new SSID I think :-)

P.P.S. (yes, all the daft ones are on 2.4GHz so don't impact any of our devices)

P.P.P.S Wow, what a time to be alive!


  1. Doesn't render on MacOS Mojave in either Chrome or Slack (it does in TextEdit, PHPStorm and Chrome's URL bar though). Consistency!

    1. Doens't render for me on the page -- but if I paste it into the location bar in Chrome -- it does! I think broken font fallbacks in Chrome, but the OS seems to be able to handle it. I also succesfully made folders in the Finder with it. :)

    2. Works on macOS Mojave with Safari/messages!

  2. Wasn't penis stapling (clearly depicted by the middle character) the subject of a landmark legal case in the early 90s about people's right to consent to assault?

    Maybe every advanced civilisation experiments with penis-stapling shortly before societal extinction?

    1. What societal extinction are you thinking of? Was there some total collapse of Egyptian civilization some time between when hieroglyphs appeared 5000 years ago and today?

    2. I think he means the pyramid building civilization where they used to use crocodile dung instead of condoms and wrote in heiroglyphs and made booby traps around the mummies

    3. Yes, there was a total collapse of egyptian civilization. It startet with the increasing power of the roman civilisation

  3. Works on Android, bur censored in whatsapp.

  4. Proof positive that no matter how old we may be, we're all still 12 years old at heart. ;)

    1. I still chuckle every time I fart. Especially if it's on the train. Sad but true!

  5. Doesn't seem to work on Firefox on Linux Debian 9.

    1. Displays in Firefox & Epiphany on Fedora 29

      You maybe need a newer freetype/fontconfig and/or other fonts installed...

    2. Wow, no kidding. 40 MB ‽

    3. 40MB is nothing these days. How big is Acrobat Reader now?

  6. This seems to be where I got my 52 # for secret pink unicorns. I have a nonfiction reading list at batleg dot com

  7. That middle phalus is listed in Unicode as "combination of {phallus} and {folded cloth}", but if my ancient egyptian is correct it's phallus in the 3rd person. An other's phallus, as it were.

    1. I like the high-brow, intellectual touch this post has added to the blog. Well done, sir!

  8. This is what I think of Windows: π“‚Έ

  9. Is there a Windows 10 font that is dick-enabled?

  10. I just wanted you to know that the root (http://e.gg) of some links you posted on Thingiverse for Russian doll puzzle boxes at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2410748 like http://e.gg/puzzlebox.cgi/30/20/o has some pictures that seemed like they might be private, but no authorization was asked for. Regards, Evan (ghibif on Thingiverse)

    1. Most of the photos on e.gg are not locked down, some are, some are just locked to thumbnails.

  11. In swedish, your domain name is a good fit for the topic :)

  12. lots of π“‚Έ domain names are available

    1. I wonder why they haven't all been registered yet

  13. I'm sure you interpret it right. The symbols appear under the section "Parts of the human body".

  14. It's not censorship. Adjacent characters are also not displayed in Chrome. The Unicode block at 13000 is not covered by Chrome's default font setup. The system font on OS X does cover that block, so it shows up in areas like the URL.

  15. This article caught the attention of Hacker News a couple of days ago.

    1. That may explain the 80,000 hits it now has - and some interesting reading on how the symbols were used!

    2. 80,000 hits. Wow-sir! Not bad, not bad at all. This is a great blog!

  16. Not sure. Mr Cockburn, perhaps?

  17. So when can we expect this to appear on some playing cards?

    1. I like my cards to have nothing but simple QR codes printed on them. It makes the game very interesting.

  18. The middle one is an abbreviation for "cock-a-hoop"

    I'll get my coat...

  19. You know what people have done and will continue to do with Unicode penises...

  20. The "hook" shape is not as painful as it looks; it's officially described (Gardiner) as a "bolt of cloth". Think of an antimacassar over the back of a chair. It also stands for the letter S or, interestingly, a female personal affix ("her__". Clearly this doesn't apply to phallic glyphs.


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