
Another new toy

I have posted before, saying I am trying to lose weight, and things have been going slow and steady. Thanks for all the feedback and advice.

With the weather getting worse the "walking" had somewhat stopped, which was a slight issue.

I now have a treadmill! It means I can walk and walk and walk and still be in front of the TV. It goes quite well with my new watch setting goals for daily activity.

Weight loss is once again happening. Yay!

P.S. The watch is still going


  1. Super! I walk nearly every morning, and some afternoons, with my standing desk, and, while it might not be the best exercise in the world, it's certainly better than doing nothing!

    1. 𓂺 (Cockburn - pronounced "Coburn")Monday, 17 December 2018 at 13:20:00 GMT

      I'm very interested in this concept of a standing desk. I find it much easier to stand while typing (providing the desk is high enough) than to sit with slouched shoulders. Can you buy desks online with treadmills attached etc? Also I wonder what you guys think of pumping out a few curls (using dumbells) every now and then at work? Not talking heavy powerlifting here, just having a few 10Kg dumbells and doing a few curls and suchlike to keep the muscles exercised? Also are there any other good exercises to do at a desk? thank you.

  2. Nice one! I keep wondering about getting a treadmill, as it doesn't take much to discourage me from venturing outside! What make/model have you got?

    1. Something generic from amazon, says "premier fit" on it. I got one that can easily push under a sofa, etc.

  3. Replies
    1. I was given the jar on the condition I used it in a Christmas video :-)

    2. Well I think you should have declared your vested interest prior to posting the picture. Who can say how much this one picture will have affected the global image and sales of marmite? Time for a Sunday newspaper exposé I think.

  4. 𓂺 (Cockburn - pronounced "Coburn")Monday, 17 December 2018 at 12:24:00 GMT

    I find that I often upset people when I state my theory about weight loss, which is that there are only two variables (excluding surgical options): 1. Eating less, and 2. Burning up more energy (typically through exercise).

    PErsonaly I always find that eating less is far easier than doing the exercise. One Mars bar is like 45 mins on the treadmill.

    1. You're missing 3, efficiency of energy extraction, which varies both between individuals and within the same individual.

    2. 𓂺 (Cockburn - pronounced "Coburn")Monday, 17 December 2018 at 15:37:00 GMT

      Very good point, Roger. Is efficient a variable though - can the user control it?

      Also, does anyone know the difference between a variable and parameter please? Thank you.

  5. You could try a Fit bit zip. coin cell BLE tracker. Fit bit has an API, so you can collate the data elsewhere and potentially conflate with other sources e.g. Sleep apnea logs or blood glucose. Jupyter is a great way to manipulate and visualise this stuff. There are some app notes on how to build step counters from gyro manufacturers, but it is harder than it looks and I'm not sure what one would gain in this instance.


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