
ESP32 progress

I am, of course, reinventing wheels, yet again with my move to ESP32 for IoT and access control stuff.

It is going well - I am actually on holiday in Greece, but whilst my wife and daughter sit on sun beds, I have been messing with code. Yes, I took a laptop, programming cable, some ESP32 boards, and even a hand held oscilloscope on holiday with me. Sorry. I spent 4 hours on the plane reading the data sheet on my iPad!

My plan is to get my ESP32 development environment and toolkit working like I had on the ESP8266, and build up my "Solar System" alarm and door control module code.

In some ways this is a nice project - it is often good to rework and redesign something for the second time as you have learned lessons and can do things better. It is also nice that my code effectively has a specification to work to. The previous code was being specified, designed, and coded all at once. But now I have a system which works with the ESP8266 modules and should work just the same with the ESP32 modules.


I am making good progress. I have the build environment on Mac and linux working. The instructions were very clear. I am actually ssh'd to my linux box to develop now. I have the basic support system which allows me to connect to the WiFi, and MQTT server, and do over the air s/w updates, and store settings in non volatile storage. These are all based on the ESP-IDF tools, which seem quite good.

I have hit a few snags - for example I cannot do certificate pinning on the TLS using the SHA1 hash of the certificate, it seems. I have to include the PEM format certificate itself. This seems needlessly complicated, but not a big change.

I have a snag with MQTT that it seems not to pass on messages with zero length data for some reason. I may have to work that out and do a pull request to the library.

I also have to restructure the design in some case - for example, previously I did the settings in a block of memory that was flashed. Now I am using the provided NVS library for settings. It seems good as it does not have to re-flash a block on every change - it incrementally updates a log of settings in flash as it goes. Quite sensible really. However, it seems to lack a means to enumerate the settings that are there - I have to ask for a setting by name. As a result I have changed my code structure to register settings from the application with my library. This has meant a redesign, but as always it makes it much better in the long run.

Update: As redesigns go - I ended up re-doing it yet again, and pretty slick now.

I should be able to sort the basic GPIO (inputs and outputs) really easily, and hence use almost all of my existing door control code with that. It looks like I can compile my linux version of DESFire stuff for NFC too, so no need for an ESP specific version (if needs ESP specific AES calls).

There will be some challenges with the PN532 library and VL53L0X library I expect. But they are not rocket science, thankfully. The Honeywell Galaxy RS485 bus should just work if I can work out the timer interrupt logic. Saldy each of these is simple in theory but getting my head around the specific way of working for the ESP32 takes an unknown amount of time. Interrupts were a challenge on the ESP8266!

PCB design

This had me kicking myself the night before we left on holiday. I have made up several ESP32 based PCBs. A general break out board; a door controller board; and several Galaxy keypad boards. I had checked I could load code on the door controller. It worked.

But I realised, on reading more of the data sheet, that 6 of the pins on the bottom of the module (ESP32-WROOM-32) are connected to the internal flash and so unusable. Why even have them come out of the module then? They are literally in the way of tracking the usable pins out of the chip. I had the same issue on the ESP-12F and taped over the pads. The ESP-12S sensibly does not have them, but then has a GND pad you have to tape over if you have tracks under it. The ESP32-WROOM-32 has both unusable pins on the end and a GND pad in the way. Arrrg! Even worse, it is only 6 pins of 10 at the end that you cannot use, so not actually easy to tape over just the 6 and still sensibly solder to others. I had read a web site on "safe" GPIO pins, but that documented the ESP32 chip not the ESP32-WROOM-32 module, and for that the pins 6-11 are "safe" to use as GPIO. There are other pins that are iffy - i.e. needs to be high or low at boot. Those I knew about.

The end result is that the keypad boards I made would simply not work! So I was left with three boards in total to take on holiday. The door controller would not "work" for the GPIO pins, but they are not connected to anything that would stop the chip actually working. So usable for developing code. I have managed to trash one board already with a flash / secure boot mix up!

The first thing I did when I got here was re-work my designs on the basis of taping all 10 connectors on the end of the chip. If I had not, it would have been bugging me all holiday. I had to be a bit creative in some cases, but I managed to redesign both boards. I'll mill them when I get back (I don't think my wife would have let me bring the milling machine on holiday for some reason).

Door controller PCB

Update: The RS485 is a challenge. I made a low level bit bashed solution for ESP8266, which I could use. It uses two pins, a Tx/Rx and a DE/RE pin. But the UARTs in the ESP32 have hardware support for RS485 as do the drivers, and are better done with separate Tx, Rx, and DE (RE permanently enabled). So I may re-track the PCB and make a driver using the UART. Again, a redesign of both PCB and code. Overall this is dragging on longer than expected.


Security with any IoT stuff is important, and reading the data sheets on the ESP32 and using the build environment, I can see that Espressif have done their homework. Nothing is 100% secure, but they are really trying hard here - which is good news as a lot of IoT stuff is totally crap!

The chip has a secure boot mode. This means the first stage bootloader in ROM checks the signature on the bootloader in flash before running it. The second stage bootloader checks the signature on the application. Doing an OTA (over the air) s/w update also checks the signature, even. This means you cannot load wrong code on the chip!

It also supports encrypted flash. This means that I can have the code, and all my settings (like login details to the MQTT server, and WiFi) securely stored in the flash. Even pulling it off the board won't get you the data.

It has a set of eFuses, which are built in to the chip. They can only be "blown", so are bits you cannot unset once set. These include bits that stop you reading the eFuses, but they are wired internally in the chip hardware allowing it to encrypt and decrypt the flash. You can even set a fuse to disable the JTAG debug port. This means you can really lock it down so that you cannot get credentials out of the chip or the flash. It might not stop someone de-capping the chip package and using a microscope to read the fuses, but it will stop most conceivable attacks.

They have built in AES, SHA, BIGNUM (RSA) and TRNG hardware as well, and the API makes using https and TLS simple and encouraged.

In short, security seems to have been done very well, and thought about at the outset in the hardware and software design. This is almost unheard of in the IoT world, which is generally pretty shit at security. Well done Espressif.

Update: I said nothing is 100% and a recent tweet suggests hackers have managed to crack it using clock or power glitching, but Espressif have replied saying they are adding hardware changes in the next release out soon! So they do seem to be trying, which is way better than most IoT stuff.


Once I have this starting point - code and PCBs - and it is working, then (apart from updating my existing door controllers), I have to think of other uses for these chips. They are packed with stuff - included a dedicated separate ultra low power processor. The opportunities for very low power devices are interesting. Even just the bluetooth looks fun - I could make it that door entry using a key fob needs to be able to see my phone in range, for example. I am sure there are a lot of opportunities!

They have some interesting direct AP-less WiFi modes in the API as well, and some low rate long range (e.g. 1km) WiFi functions too. There is even a MESH WiFi system. This all makes for some very interesting possibilities to make systems that do not rely on infrastructure such as access points.

I still have not made my environmental monitoring device yet, so that may well be the next project after this.


  1. Oooo... are you going to make the VL53L0X stuff public domain? I have one in my pile of "sensors to play with" but couldn't find any ESP32 examples.

  2. Hello, is it possible to get an example from the library https://github.com/revk/ESP32-VL53L0X ?

    1. I use it in https://github.com/revk/SolarSystem

    2. thanks, in the example I see Ranger.ino, I am using esp32 esp-idf in Visual Studio Code, do you have an example for it?

    3. There should be the ESP32 code in solar system that uses it from Linux command line ESP-idf. That is where is used it.


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