
Bulk ESP32-S3 programming

Programming an ESP32-S3 is really easy.

The S3 has build in USB, which means literally just connecting GPIO 19 and 20 to D- and D+ on a USB socket - not even any resistors! It operates as a USB device out of the box, appearing as a serial/JTAG port. It just works on standard USB serial drivers on linux and MacOS (and I assume, Windows).

Using the ESP IDF tools I can type.

idf.py flash

And that is it, it detects the chip, and flashes the bootloader and code.

No special leads, it is that simple.

Smaller footprint

The only issue is that this all works if you have the complete ESP IDF installed, with its python and cross compiler environment, and your code checked out and built (or able to build). This is not hard, there are simple steps to do this, but it takes a lot of space.

So, I wanted something simpler so I could make a small machine, ideally a Raspberry Pi, that just flashed code. Thankfully, all I need is esptool, i.e.

pip install esptool

And then I can flash using that rather than the whole IDF. It is more complex, e.g.

esptool.py --chip esp32s3 -p /dev/ttyACM0 -b 460800 --before=default_reset --after=hard_reset write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size keep 0x0 release/LED-S3-MINI-N4-R2-bootloader.bin 0x10000 release/LED-S3-MINI-N4-R2.bin 0x8000 release/LED-S3-MINI-N4-R2-partition-table.bin 0xd000 release/LED-S3-MINI-N4-R2-ota_data_initial.bin

But that is simple to script. One tool installed and the binaries from my repository, and job done!

One device after the next

The challenge is that I want to do bulk programming - i.e. flash a device, get clear confirmation it worked, then just plug in the next device. I don't want to run a command each time.

Getting confirmation it works is easy as all my boards have an LED, usually a tiny 1x1mm WS2812 colour LED, and that starts blinking as soon as the board starts. Indeed, the code is signed and checked on boot, so if any issues flashing it won't start.

Indeed, where I have done this I have had there separate instances running and 3 USB ports and leads, so I could plug in one after the other, unplugging when I see it is flashed and running. Really slick!

What I was doing was

idf.py flash monitor

This flashes, and then runs, and monitors serial output (which can be useful if there are additional diagnostics to show, but the main indicator is the on board LED).

The problem is you then have to kill the monitor for each board (ctrl ]). Even just disconnecting USB appears to wait for device to reconnect. I created a convoluted bit of C code to run monitor, and check output, looking for the string it gets for a new device, and exit. That way I could flash, and then run this, in a loop. Works well.

The problem is that, once again, this is using the whole ESP IDF just to run the idf.py command. And it seems esptool does not do a monitor function!

My own monitor code

In principle it is really easy to make my own C code to open the USB (serial) port directly, and set DTR and RTS appropriately to reset the board in running mode (rather than bootloader mode).

This worked perfectly on my Mac. Some simple code, waits for the right string to indicated a new board, and exits. It also does not need the whole ESP IDF to run.

But no!

  • The first issue is that the ESP32, with no code loaded, seemed to trip the power on the USB port. It is odd, and maybe the regulator I am using creates just enough of a power spike, or something (never bothered my Mac), I don't know. The fix was a powered USB hub.
  • The next issue is that once code is loaded, even with a powered USB hub, it seems the start up with WiFi is enough to then trip the power, so it constantly resets and does not blink the LED.
  • I finally found a power hub that just works with linux.

But there is weirder!

The other weirdness was that on the raspberry Pi, it seems it would not play properly with RTS and DTR and constantly came up in bootloader mode regardless. I simply could not get it to play, it was like DTR was not being set. The only difference seems to be it is using an OTG serial driver. On two separate bigger linux boxes, using a different driver, it works as expected (and ends up in a boot loop, as I said above).

I don't know how one can change the serial driver on a Pi, suggestions welcome (google did not help me).

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