
Selling via Amazon

The phase "necessary evil" comes to mind, sadly. I'd like to just sell direct, but in practice selling via Amazon does in fact work. It is somewhat depressing that this is the case, but we are a tad stuck with it.

One thing we sell is the "Faikin" board, which is a controller for Daikin aircon. It works well and sells literally hundreds! Listed here.

Until recently I was able to edit the listing as needed, and the latest boards looks slightly different (mainly the colour of the board), so I went to edit the listing and upload new images. Simples! Or so you would think. But I get this!

So what he hell? I am not trying to edit the "brand", indeed I cannot edit the brand, it is "locked".

Now, brands in Amazon are hard work. It look a long time to get "AJK" on the "brand registry", even though I have the UK registered trademark on this (here). It was seriously hard work, and the product listing was made with brand "AJK". In fact I had to make a new listing having sold a few initially under grand "Generic" as Amazon policy is you cannot change the brand on a listing, which is damn annoying in itself.

But did you notice?

Yes, the brand is now "greenoak"!

Given Amazon policy is you cannot change brand, how the hell is it "greenoak".

So now, to show you how Amazon work, the unedited ticket on this (long, and boring)... OK not all, as it seems they truncate it on their help pages, which is a pain. But you get a flavour for dealing with Amazon...

Hello from Amazon Brand Registry Support,

We understand that you would like to update brand name for ASIN: B0D56W182P to "AJK".

Please be informed that, we cannot proceed with your request as it is against Amazon policies and guidelines. Brand name change requests beyond the minor fixes are considered rebranding and we are not authorized to make this change for your ASIN.

Kindly do understand that multiple sellers can list/sell the same ASIN: B0D56W182P. if you make a brand update on this ASIN, it is possible that you may be reported by another seller due to a listing policy violation, which could have a negative impact on your account health.

Brand differences and packaging differences after a product is rebranded may cause customer orders to be returned and may affect your performance metrics. To avoid this unexpected result, we are not allowed to change the Amazon Product Code (ASIN) brand name.

Therefore, we are unable to update your Brand name, it would be better to create a new ASIN instead of updating the brand name of the existing ASIN.

For more information, go to "Amazon Brand Name Policy": https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/help/hub/reference/G2N3GKE5SGSHWYRZ

If the intended brand is not part of Amazon Brand Registry, we recommend that you complete registration via "Enroll a new brand" link on the Brand Registry landing page: https://brandregistry.amazon.co.uk/

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.

Were you satisfied with the support provided?

Thank you!

To view your case details, please click https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/case-dashboard/view-case.html/ref=sc_cd_lobby_vc?caseID=10120297812

Please note: This e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. If you require additional support, please contact us at https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/contact-us/contact-amazon-form.html

Thank you for selling with Amazon.

Hello from Amazon Brand Registry Support, We understand that you would like to update brand name for ASIN: B0D56W182P to "AJK". Firstly, we are unable to process this brand name change request because the brand account and/or the account for the user you wish to add have an unhealthy status. We require all relevant accounts across all marketplaces to have a healthy status to add a role to a brand. Secondly, we cannot make the suggested brand change to ASIN B0D56W182P due to the following reason: - Requests to update an ASIN brand name attribute from "Generic" are not supported. - In this case brand name change from "Generic" to an abusive brand is also considered as re-branding. As informed earlier that, if you choose to rebrand a product you must create a new ASIN rather than update an existing ASIN. This is true even if the product does not change materially after the brand update. Rebranding and packaging differences on products can cause customer order returns and can potentially hurt your metrics. To prevent this unwanted outcome, we don’t allow the brand name to be changed for an ASIN. For more information, go to "Amazon Brand Name Policy": https://sellercentral.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/G2N3GKE5SGSHWYRZ Register products to your brand: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/G6DU75NSM86VXKZC If the intended brand is not part of Amazon Brand Registry, we recommend that you complete registration via "Enroll a new brand" link on the Brand Registry landing page: https://brandregistry.amazon.com/ To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.

I have no idea what you mean by the brand being "unhealthy" - please elaborate - other products are still brand AJK. We are selling hundreds a month, what is "unhealthy"?

I am NOT rebranding the product!

The product always was, and remains AJK.

This is not a change from Generic!

You can see that so why say that?

he packaging and brand HAS NOT CHANGED since the product was first listed.

It was listed as AJK, and is still branded as such.


The brand AJK is part of the brand registry.


Hello from Amazon Brand Registry Support, Thank you for reaching out regarding the brand name update request for ASIN from "Generic" to "AJK." Upon reviewing the case thoroughly, it appears that the ASIN is currently listed as a non-branded product, hence the brand name being displayed as "Generic." I would like to inform you that requests to update the brand name attribute from "Generic" are not supported due to potential violations of listing policies, specifically regarding the use of a brand's Intellectual Property in generic product listings. In such cases, we advise sellers to create a new ASIN for the product with the desired brand name rather than attempting to update an existing ASIN. This ensures compliance with our policies and maintains the integrity of the Amazon marketplace. We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation in this regard. Have a nice day. To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction. Were you satisfied with the support provided?


The brand is not "Generic"

The brand is listed as "greenoak"

The words "Generic" and "greenoak" are not the same.

The listing was created with the brand: AJK

The product has, as you can see from images, the "AJK" registered trademark logo.

The product has always been brand: AJK



Hello from Amazon Brand Registry Support, Thank you for contacting us. I am Aleena, and I am glad to assist you. I went through the details of this case and understand that you are concerned about updating the Brand name to the ASIN: B0D56W182P. Please be informed that we are de-escalating your case and addressing your concern in detail. We cannot proceed with your request of updating the Brand name as if you choose to rebrand a product, you must create a new ASIN rather than update an existing ASIN. This is true even if the product does not change materially after the brand update. Rebranding and packaging differences on products can cause customer order returns and can potentially hurt your metrics. To prevent this unwanted outcome, we don’t allow the brand name to be changed for an ASIN. For more information, go to “Amazon Brand Name Policy”: https://sellercentral.amazon.co.uk/help/hub/reference/G2N3GKE5SGSHWYRZ If the intended brand is not part of Amazon Brand Registry, we recommend that you complete registration via “Enrol a new brand” link on the Brand Registry landing page: https://brandregistry.amazon.co.uk/ To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.



You say I am not the registered brand owner for the grand greenoak.

You are correct. That is not the point!

This product is branded AJK - look at the image 

This product listing was created with brand AJK

I am the registered owner for the brand AJK

You say it is Amazon policy that the brand cannot be changed on a product


Just change the brand back to AJK

As per Amazon policy IT SHOULD NOT HAVE CHANGED TO greenoak. I am unable to edit the listing because of this.

Hello from Amazon Brand Registry Support,

My name is Deblina. As per your mail, I understand your concern regarding updating the brand name of ASIN: B0C2ZYXNYQ. Please know that I was unable to approve your requested change since we have not received sufficient proof that supports this request. - Manufacturer's or Publisher's (for books) website link clearly showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available. - Manufacturer's catalog (Product User Manual), either scanned image of the physical catalog or PDF version showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available. - High-resolution product pictures, clearly showing the suggested changes, along with a visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.). - A high-resolution photo of the item in its original packaging showing the product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.) code and the attribute or attributes that you need to change We request you to take this extra step and provide us with all the information needed so that, we can ensure that you get the correct resolution for your query. Once we will receive the details, we will investigate further and will get back to you.

Please confirm...

1. Was B0C2ZYXNYQ created with brand: AJK ?

2. Does the main product image for B0C2ZYXNYQ include the registered trademark "AJK" logo on it?

3. Has the brand been recently changed to "greenoak", against Amazon policy saying brand cannnot be changed?

4. Will you change the brand BACK to AJK please?

For your information.

As per UK registered trademark UK00003740137, I, Adrian Kennard, am listed the trademark holder for AJK. https://trademarks.ipo.gov.uk/ipo-tmcase/page/Results/1/UK00003740137

As per GS1, EAN 5060634238151, is registered to Andrews & Arnold Ltd.

As per Companies House, I Adrian Kennard am the director of Andrews & Arnold Ltd https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/03342760/officers

From this you can tell I have full authority to say that this item is brand: AJK, as it was originally created in the listing.

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

As we requested previously, in order to address your concerns, we will need some additional information.

Please respond to this message to provide the details requested below:

- Manufacturer's or Publisher's (for books) website link clearly showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available.

- Manufacturer's catalog (Product User Manual), either scanned image of the physical catalog or PDF version showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available. 

- High-resolution product pictures, clearly showing the suggested changes, along with a visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.).

- A high-resolution photo of the item in its original packaging showing the product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.) code and the attribute or attributes that you need to change

We request you to take this extra step and provide us with all the information needed so that, we can ensure that you get the correct resolution for your query.

Once we will receive the details, we will investigate further and will get back to you. 

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

We are currently unable to provide you with an accurate response directly. We need to try and submit a system review to you. At the same time, we need you to provide one of the following valid forms of documentation before processing your request:

- A link to the manufacturer's or publisher's (for book products) website that clearly shows the proposed changes and visible product codes, such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., if any. This is the only valid form of proof for requests relating to product images.
- High-resolution product images that clearly show proposed changes and visible product codes such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.
- A high-resolution photograph of the unopened product, showing the product ID such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., and one or more attributes that need to be changed.

Note that for requests relating to product images, the only acceptable form of evidence is the manufacturer's or publisher's (for book products) website URL.

If your product is a GTIN exempt product, please provide an image showing the model/part number, etc., or a URL to the manufacturer's website.

Have a nice day!
It is, after all, a very very simple question. Was the product listing (B0C2ZYXNYQ) created as brand: AJK Yes or no? Let me know when you can provide an accurate response.


Hello from Amazon Brand Registry Support,

I went through the details of this case and understand that you want to update the brand name for ASIN - B0C2ZYXNYQ and whether the product listing (B0C2ZYXNYQ) created as brand: AJK

I am happy to help you with this.

Please note that we are unable to answer this question. Either way, before processing your request, we require you to provide one of the following valid forms of documentation:

- A link to the manufacturer's or publisher's (for book products) website that clearly shows the proposed changes and visible product codes, such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., if any. This is the only valid form of proof for requests relating to product images.
- High-resolution product images that clearly show proposed changes and visible product codes such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.
- A high-resolution photograph of the unopened product, showing the product ID such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., and one or more attributes that need to be changed.

Note that for requests relating to product images, the only acceptable form of evidence is the manufacturer's or publisher's (for book products) website URL.

If your product is a GTIN exempt product, please provide an image showing the model/part number, etc., or a URL to the manufacturer's website.

We look forward to hearing from you. 
Please pass this to someone that CAN answer the question then?
Was the product listing (B0C2ZYXNYQ) created as brand: AJK It is not a hard question. I'll wait for you to find someone that can answer it.



- 制造商或出版商(针对图书类商品)网站的链接,能够清楚显示建议的更改内容以及可见的 UPC、EAN、ISBN 等商品编码(如果有)。这是与商品图片相关的请求的唯一有效证明形式。
- 能够清楚地显示建议的更改内容以及可见的 UPC、EAN、ISBN 等商品编码的高分辨率商品图片。
- 未拆封商品的高分辨率照片,能够显示 UPC、EAN、ISBN 等商品编码以及需要更改的一个或多个属性。

请注意,对于与商品图片相关的请求,唯一可接受的证据形式是制造商或出版商(针对图书类商品)网站 URL。

如果您的商品是 GTIN 豁免商品,请提供显示型号/部件编号等的图片或制造商网站 URL。

Was the product listing (B0C2ZYXNYQ) created as brand: AJK

It is not a hard question.

I'll wait for you to find someone that can answer it.

- 制造商或出版商(针对图书类商品)网站的链接,能够清楚显示建议的更改内容以及可见的 UPC、EAN、ISBN 等商品编码(如果有)。这是与商品图片相关的请求的唯一有效证明形式。
- 能够清楚地显示建议的更改内容以及可见的 UPC、EAN、ISBN 等商品编码的高分辨率商品图片。
- 未拆封商品的高分辨率照片,能够显示 UPC、EAN、ISBN 等商品编码以及需要更改的一个或多个属性。

请注意,对于与商品图片相关的请求,唯一可接受的证据形式是制造商或出版商(针对图书类商品)网站 URL。

如果您的商品是 GTIN 豁免商品,请提供显示型号/部件编号等的图片或制造商网站 URL。

ello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

SInce you haven~t provided the proof requested , the following would be the alternative procedure to request a Brand change to B0C2ZYXNYQ.

I'm happy to provide information regarding your claim of listing policy violation.

If you believe a listing policy violation has occurred, submit your concern with supporting information on the Account health dashboard:


Our investigation team will review the information and take action if there is any violation of our listing policies or intellectual property policies.

If you believe a listing is infringing your intellectual property such as authenticity, trademark, copyright, or patent rights, submit your concern through the Brand Registry or Report infringement page:


Our investigation team will review the information and take action if there is any violation of our listing policies.

For more information regarding Amazon’s policies related to listings, go to these resources:

"Product detail page rules":


Watch this video on "Report an intellectual property violation":


Good day.

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.
Was the product listing (B0C2ZYXNYQ) created as brand: AJK JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!!! WHY ARE YOU INCAPABALE OFD ANSWERING THE QUESTION? TRANSFER THIS CASE TO SOMEONE THAT CAN ANSWER THE QUESTION NOW!!! JUST SAY, YES, OR NO!!! You changed the brand from AJK to greenoak, so YOU show me the proof that was provided to make that change? - A link to the manufacturer's or publisher's (for book products) website that clearly shows the proposed changes and visible product codes, such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., if any. This is the only valid form of proof for requests relating to product images. - High-resolution product images that clearly show proposed changes and visible product codes such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc. - A high-resolution photograph of the unopened product, showing the product ID such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., and one or more attributes that need to be changed.


Dear Selling Partner , My name is Ewelina, and I'll be your contact as we work towards resolving your issue. I just checked your ASIN B0C2ZYXNYQ and confirmed that the right brand AJK is already related to it. Could you please double check and let me know?


It now shows KppeX as brand And I could not edit the listing when listed as Greeoak, as it thinks I am trying to change brand back to AJK when in fact I cannot even edit that field. Actually it has got worse, I now get "You need approval to list this product" when I try to edit *MY PRODUCT*!!!!


Dear Seller, thank you for your answer. I just updated the brand once to make sure the Detail Page and your Seller Central show the right brand. Please allow up to 24h for the changes to become live. Once the brand is correct in all the places, the "approval" message will be gone. Please let me know in 24h if the changes are visible from your side.


You are still listing *MY* product as someone else's brand (KppeX), see attached screenshot. You are still refusing to let me edit *MY* product listing, see attached screenshot. Please provide evidence for change of brand of *MY* product from AJK to greenoak. Please provide evidence for change of brand of *MY* product from greenoak to KppoX Such as - A link to the manufacturer's or publisher's (for book products) website that clearly shows the proposed changes and visible product codes, such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., if any. This is the only valid form of proof for requests relating to product images. - High-resolution product images that clearly show proposed changes and visible product codes such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc. - A high-resolution photograph of the unopened product, showing the product ID such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., and one or more attributes that need to be changed. If you have no evidence, as manufacturer, I cannot appove or accept either of these brand changes, and so the brand needs to revert to AJK. If someone else is selling *my* products under another brand, with my trademarked brand logo, I have to seriously consider legal action for trademark infingement. In light of this please provide full details of the contact details for the legal representative for Greenoak and KppeX. Thank you


Hello from Amazon.co.uk, My name is Andrea from Amazon Selling Partner Support and I am reaching out to you regarding your request to update the brand name for Asin B0C2ZYXNYQ to "AJK". We do not see the proof provided for the changes requested. Before we can process your request, we need you to provide one of these valid forms of documentation: - Manufacturer's or Publisher's (for books) website URL clearly showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available. - Manufacturer's catalog (Product User Manual), either scanned image of the physical catalog or PDF version showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available. - High-resolution product pictures, clearly showing the suggested changes, along with a visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.). - A high-resolution photo of the item in its original packaging showing the product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.) code and the attribute or attributes that you need to change Could you also specify if you registered the brand "AJK" on Amazon Brand Registry?

You changed the brand, not me. Please provide evidence for change of brand of *MY* product from AJK to greenoak. Please provide evidence for change of brand of *MY* product from greenoak to KppoX Such as - A link to the manufacturer's or publisher's (for book products) website that clearly shows the proposed changes and visible product codes, such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., if any. This is the only valid form of proof for requests relating to product images. - High-resolution product images that clearly show proposed changes and visible product codes such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc. - A high-resolution photograph of the unopened product, showing the product ID such as UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc., and one or more attributes that need to be changed. If you have no evidence, as manufacturer, I cannot appove or accept either of these brand changes, and so the brand needs to revert to AJK.


Hello from Amazon.co.uk, This is Andrea from Amazon Selling Partner Support and I am reaching out to you regarding your request to update the brand name for Asin B0C2ZYXNYQ to "AJK". Please note that we cannot proceed for the changes requested if you do not provide the required proof. Before we can process your request, we need you to provide one of these valid forms of documentation: - Manufacturer's or Publisher's (for books) website URL clearly showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available. - Manufacturer's catalog (Product User Manual), either scanned image of the physical catalog or PDF version showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available. - High-resolution product pictures, clearly showing the suggested changes, along with a visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.). - A high-resolution photo of the item in its original packaging showing the product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.) code and the attribute or attributes that you need to change Could you also specify if you registered the brand "AJK" on Amazon Brand Registry?


You are still misssng the points You (Amazon) changed the brand! I CANNOT ACCEPT THAT BRAND CHANGE WITHOUT PROOF FROM AMAZON. Please provide a copy of the proof you used to change the brand from AJK to KppeX, such as. - Manufacturer's or Publisher's (for books) website URL clearly showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available. - Manufacturer's catalog (Product User Manual), either scanned image of the physical catalog or PDF version showing the suggested changes, along with visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.), if available. - High-resolution product pictures, clearly showing the suggested changes, along with a visible product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.). - A high-resolution photo of the item in its original packaging showing the product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.) code and the attribute or attributes that you need to change If you have no proof, revert the brand back to AJK.

Hello from Amazon.co.uk, This is Andrea from Amazon Selling Partner Support. I understand your frustration, but please note that the proof is required from our internal department, in charge of brand stamping. If no proof is provided they are not going to update the brand and I have no other way to help you. Please provide the required images showing the brand name and the product identifier (UPC, EAN, ISBN, etc.). If you do not cooperate you will only delay the resolution of the issue.

But *YOU* changed the brand, not me! If, as you say, proof is required to change the brand then: GIVE ME THE PROOF If you have no proof, as manufacturer I cannot accept the change of brand from AJK, and it needs to changed back.


Finally some progress.


Hello from Amazon.co.uk, This is Andrea from Amazon Selling Partner Support and I am reaching out to you regarding your request to update the brand name for Asin B0C2ZYXNYQ. Thank you for taking my call earlier. I confirm you that I contacted our internal team and asked them to change the brand name back to to "AJK". I will be back to you with a response in due course.


Finally fixed, for now.


  1. I feel for you. We had an issue with Amazon a few years back. Messaging jeff@amazon.com may get you somewhere, as that seems to be monitored by competent support people.

  2. This is one of the things I find incredibly infuriating about the technical support at many large companies. They frequently barely seem to read what you have written and provide stock answers. Often seeming to make you jump through many hoops so you give up, rather than any desire to actually understand the problem and help you out.

    Funnily enough also why companies like A&A are worth the premium. They actually help to get things fixed, without the hassle.

  3. I notice they refer to B0D56W182P for a while, where did that ASIN come from?

  4. GDPR/Data Protection Act requirement to maintain accurate information?

    1. This is not "personal" information, so no.

  5. I think that is just automated replies from what they would call AI, or rather NI (no intelligence), or a call center in some foreign land that just copy and paste and not a single staff member is paid enough to care.

  6. I was amazed to see you've not registered Greenoak at companies house. You're slipping ;)

  7. Perhaps send Amazon a trademark infringement notice ordering them to disclose the identity of Greenoak who are abusing the AJK trademark on "their" products.

  8. It's showing "Brand: KppeX" for me today!

  9. That's a lot of changing for something that's supposed to be unchangeable!

  10. Just checked on this and as of 30 seconds ago, it was showing brand "AJK" which linked to https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=AJK&ref=bl_dp_s_web_0 . How long it'll last though...

  11. Ever considered a zigbee or zwave version? I'd rather not add 8 more wifi devices :D


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