
Playing with microphones

The latest LED board designs have included a TDK PDM I2S microphone - the idea was to make sound reactive LED strips.

It is tiny (3.5mm x 2.65mm x 0.98mm) and cheap(ish) $0.76. But it is digital.

Now, this was a can of worms for which I was ill prepared. I2S is not like I2C, it seems, and there are a number of ways of doing it.

This particular device is PDM based, so has just a clock and data line - the clock to the microphone, and data comes back. The concept is that you have two of these, one set for right and one set for left channel, on the same clock and data. The left and right are on the rising or falling edge of the clock. It is fixed 16 bit per channel, and works at a specific (wide) range of frequencies of clock and hence sample rates.

But other I2S devices work in a different way, with extra pins.

I went through some stages for this...

  • Simple analogue microphone (cheaper) - realised that was a daft idea.
  • This mic, set to right channel, and it did not work.
  • This mic, set to left channel, and it did not work.

What did not work was using WLED, a common LED driver package which works nicely on our LED modules. We realised it wanted I2S, and then realised it only did PDM on left channel, hence the different iterations, but no joy. Hopefully we can get some feedback in to that project so it does work as TDK is likely a good brand. It is amazing how sensitive it is.

My guess is it is not clocking at a rate the device will handle when using WLED, sadly.

So time to do it myself, as always!

I coded I2S as per ESP32 library, and, well, it worked, I got raw data. I could even tell it I want mono only and which channel. Amusingly using the wrong channel works too as the data floats for the other channel - though I picked up some high frequency noise that way. So best to set it correctly (I nearly said "right").

The next step was a simple FFT function - I have not gone for anything fancy or uber efficient, as it keeps up well enough, especially when I went for some simple oversampling on its input. I cannot clock the microphone as slow as I would like for normal working. But even at 30k samples/sec I could keep up with FFT 30 times a second, just, all done with floats. These ESP32s are impressive.

I have made the working audio range configurable, and averaged the FFT down to a small number of bins (24) which are log of frequency to fit better with musical scales (options for linear).

This has led to some simple audio responsive LED schemes - a simple brightness based audio spectograph - smoothing from 24 bins to however many LEDs you have in a chain. And also a simple overall volume based bar graph, and one that is RGB for three levels of sound.

Lessons learned.

Some automatic audio gain was pretty simple.

The next lesson was the log scale on frequency. That was not hard. But made an option.

I reduced the full FFT result to a small number of bands, 24.

Also I needed to make it do a peak level per band and damping (configurable) to give anything that looks nice.

The frequency range is configurable, but log based causes gaps if you go too low, so ended up 100Hz to 4kHz for now, log spread over the 24 bins from a sample rate at a typical 25 blocks/sec and actually sampling over 50-60ks/s down graded (average of oversample) to 12-15ks/s for the FFT giving results to 6-7.5kHz which is more than enough for the bands I am using.

I also ended up making the samples fit the LED update rate synchronously, typically 25 or 30 per second (configurable) to avoid any extra jitter/aliasing effects.

Oh, and when using RGBW, with a colour band for spectograph, before automatic gain kicks in you can have over 1 on a band, so I made that push in to turning on the W, which worked well.

The result

Update: I have now tweaked and got cleaner response across the range, putting 50Hz to 6.4kHz in to 42 log based frequency bins. See youtube for frequency tests.

Now for use with a live band at the pub!

And HIWTSI (my son's business) is doing LED system installs now.


  1. Did you finish those wedding drinks coaster gadgets you posted about ages ago? Synchronising those to the USB mic could be effective, perhaps with ESP-Now so the latency is really low.

  2. Maybe I need to ads mic to those


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