
Zen and the Art of Hot Tub Maintenance

I have posted about the hot tub before, but this is a bit of an update on latest experiences.

As I have said before, the hot tub will typically go some months with no problems. I have some combined chlorine and other stuff tablets in a floater (not that sort of floater). Another invaluable tool I keep by the tub is a wet/dry vacuum in case bits of leaf and so on end up in the bottom of the tub. I also now have a tap properly plumbed in to allow me to put water in from above. All very slick.

The way it used to work is after a few months it would get a bit cloudy. Clarifier helps, and obviously good to change the filter. The filters are not expensive, especially compared to the cost of power, so I am lazy and change for a new filter rather than the time consuming and messy process of trying to clean a filter.

Now comes the odd bit, since the change to heat pump and the extra insulation it has changed. It no longer gets cloudy, even after many many months. But it does degrade, it seems.

Basically it gets to a point that the chlorine levels do not stay, even with loads of fast acting chlorine tablets to shock it, it then has no chlorine showing. The floating tablets no longer seem to maintain a sensible level. The other very subtle effect is the tint of the water is more green than blue. The tablets have algicide but still, but clearly there is a change.

What really made me take action, eventually, was that it was starting to cause skin irritation!

So, with shocking operation not helping, the answer is simpler, empty and refill. This is a lot quicker now I have the heat pump. The vacuum is great for ensuring fully empty and all the pipes sucked out as well. The new plumbed in pipe/tap makes filling easy as well.

So, it seems there is a change, and I cannot see why the heat pump makes a difference, but still needs a refresh every few months.

And now it is very pleasant, and blue tinted, once again.


  1. Can't help with the heat pump issue but I did have a similar problem with our pool in that the tester showed no chlorine even though the pool had been shocked. The local pool man exlained to me that there was chlorine in the pool and enough to bleach the tester! I felt an idiot...


  2. Regarding filters, I have a tineco vacuum and among it's tools is one to clean the filter - you put the new (or rather, previously cleaned) filter in, plug the old filter into the tool and plug the tool into the vacuum, and it rotates the old filter for 5 minutes, vacuuming dust off it (hopefully putting some of the dust in the disposal can rather than all going directly onto the new one again). I was rather impressed that they would bundle that instead of repeatedly selling you new filters.

    Maybe there's a place for an automated pool filter cleaning device. Bit of a niche market though.

    1. Rather than this, buy a sand filter with a backwash valve.

  3. You can't smell the "chlorine" directly. Take some water out as a sample, then add organic material, and see if it "smells like a swimming pool". If so, you have got loads of chlorine in there, and the tester is wrong.


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