

The NHS have been very thorough investigating the stroke I had.

Thankfully the ongoing effects are slight - my typing is still more iffy than it was before, but good news.

They even did an ultrasound on my heart to try and find the underlying cause.

The good news is they found nothing. Well, I'll take it as good news. It also means they could not explain it, which is not so good. But given I had a stroke immediately after COVID, that seems a likely cause.

However, the one thing I find odd is the NHS efficiency here. The letter arrived this week (13th March 2025).

So what happened. I don't think even Royal Mail have a 17th class post that takes 6 months to deliver a letter. So that is rather weird.

1 comment:

  1. The cynic in me suggests that "typed" date might have been entered manually and aligned with dictation date to improve some sort of internal SLA measurement


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The NHS have been very thorough investigating the stroke I had. Thankfully the ongoing effects are slight - my typing is still more iffy tha...